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Blended Families that Work

Sorting Through Polarization and the Two Kinds of Evangelicalism in the Public Square

The Spirit World in the Old Testament

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Brave New World: Courageously & Compassionately Engaging Our Society (2015)
These resources equip Christians to courageously engage and compassionately love others in an increasingly pluralistic society, without compromising our biblical convictions, while exploring how the church can effectively communicate the unchanging Word in a relentlessly changing world.

Desiring Hope: Attracting World Religions Through the Beauty of the Gospel (2018)
What draws someone to Islam? Buddhism? There is some attraction or need being met by each religion that causes a person to follow with their life. This conference answers these questions: What makes each religion attractive and beautiful to its adherents? How does the gospel of Jesus Christ fulfill these needs in a greater way?
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What Apologists Must Know about the Three Quests for the Historical Jesus

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Biblical Ethics for Business Leaders

A Message of Mistakes

A Biblical Framework for Handling Stress

At the Core of Leadership – Your Personal Identity
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The Table Podcast
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Discipleship: Past and Present
In this episode, Drs. Darrell Bock and Gene Getz discuss discipleship in the Church, focusing past and present trends with a look towards the future.

Cultivating Love for God's Word
In this episode, Kasey Olander and Jen Wilkin discuss the pressing need for bible literacy in the local church and how this skill can be taught and cultivated.

The Spirit World in the Old Testament
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Bob Chisholm, and John Walton discuss the reality of spiritual beings in the Old Testament and how to understand them in their proper context.

Truth or Perception?
In this episode, Bill Hendricks and Bonnie Kristian discuss the “knowledge crisis” we are facing in our society today and the mistrust and disunity that it brings.

Understanding Trauma
In this episode, Kasey Olander and Andi Thacker discuss the effects of trauma and how it impacts your life and the lives of those around you.

Why People Are Leaving the Church
In this episode, Bill Hendricks and Sam Perry take a look at the increasing trend of people walking away from the church and claiming no religious affiliation.

Dealing Dope to Preaching Hope
In this episode, Milyce Pipkin interviews Dimas Salaberrios about his life and how the Lord took him from being a drug dealer to an influential man of God.

Discipleship Curriculum
In this episode, Darrell Bock, Ken Horton, and John Tolson discuss how to approach discipleship with the framework of loving God, yourself, and others while not minimizing the mission laid out in the Great Commission.

Double Ministry Families
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Travis Cook, Kat Armstrong, and Aaron Armstrong discuss key challenges of families with both spouses serving in separate ministries.