Media & Arts
Video (33)

The Ox

Tiny But Mighty

The Lotus


Seng the Plumber


Still Waters

Reflection [New Creation]

Columbine [New Creation]

New Creation [New Creation]

Redemption to New Creation: Silent Steps [Redemption]

Reflection [Redemption]

Kintsugi [Redemption]

Redemption [Redemption]
Audio (5)

The Horizons of the Possible
Four Square Miles
The Broken Image

Leading Cultural Change

Culture and the Imago Dei
Podcasts (12)

Engaging Culture Through Film

Beholding Beauty
In this episode, Kasey Olander and Brian Chan discuss the objective nature of beauty, its reflection of God’s character, and its role in spiritual formation.

When Faith & Art Collide
In this episode, Bill Hendricks hosts a discussion with Marissa and Guy Delcambre about their work at Art House Dallas and the important role that artists play in the world.

The Impact of The Chosen Series
In this episode, Darrell Bock is joined by Stan Jantz to discuss the popular show “The Chosen” and its mission to reach a billion people with the authentic Jesus.

On Podcasting
In this episode, Kasey Olander is joined by Ryan Holmes and Rebecca Carrell as they discuss the world of podcasting and offer insights into how to use this medium in ministry.

600th Episode: Our Story
In this special episode of the Table Podcast, all of the hosts gather together to discuss the fun and fascinating story of the Table Podcast, reminiscing on its past, the current dynamic, and also the future of the podcast.

Why Christians Care About Art and Beauty
In this episode, Kasey Olander, Brian Chan, and Neil Coulter explore the meaning of art and beauty and their roles in the life of a Christian.

Dealing Dope to Preaching Hope
In this episode, Milyce Pipkin interviews Dimas Salaberrios about his life and how the Lord took him from being a drug dealer to an influential man of God.

Film and Life's Issues
In this episode, Darrell Bock, Claude Alexander, and Craig Detweiler discuss the collaboration between Windrider and the Sundance Film Festival and how films are a great way to engage the culture around us.

Harry Potter and the Values of the Kingdom – Classic
In this classic episode, Kymberli Cook, Kasey Olander, and John Adair discuss Harry Potter and some of the Christian themes and values that permeate the series.

Innovative Apologetics for Gen Z
In this episode, Kasey Olander and Mary Jo Sharp discuss various characteristics of Generation Z and ways the Church can engage and encourage them in the faith.

Harry Potter and the Values of the Kingdom
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Kasey Olander and John Adair discuss the Harry Potter and some of the Christian themes and values that permeate the series.