Video (1)

Audio (8)

Sexual Abuse in the Church

Sexual Abuse in the Church: Practical Steps for Prevention

Loving the Sojourner in Vegas

A Theological Perspective on Sacred Sexuality

The Sexually Healthy Church
Infertility in the Christian Community: Offering Comfort and Hope to Infertile Couples
Marital Affairs: Prevention and Healing

Walking with the Wounded: What's Our Role?
Podcasts (36)

A Healthy Approach to Sexual Attraction – Classic
In this classic episode, Bill Hendricks, Debby Wade, and Gary Barnes discuss a healthy Christian approach to sexual attraction, focusing on the ideas of respect and stewardship of human sexuality.

God’s Design for Sexuality – Classic
In this classic episode, Bill Hendricks, Juli Slattery, and Joy Skarka discuss authentic intimacy, focusing on God’s design for sexuality.

Modesty and the Church
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Christina Crenshaw and Jonathan Pokluda discuss the benefits and issues surrounding purity culture, while reflecting on the biblical values that undergird the movement.

An Atheist, Gay Activist Discovers Jesus – Classic
In this classic episode, Dr. Darrell L. Bock and David Bennett discuss his journey to faith and same-sex sexuality in the Church.

Freedom from Pornography – Classic
In this classic episode, Dr. Darrell L. Bock, Josh McDowell, Joy Pedrow, and Josh Proctor discuss pornography, focusing on ministries that help people find freedom from addiction.

The Evangelical Church and LGBTQ Issues – Classic
In this classic episode, Dr. Darrell L. Bock and Sam Allberry discuss evangelical engagement of LGBTQ issues.

The Hidden Pandemic of Pornography
In this episode, Bill Hendricks, Josh Proctor and Dr. Jay Sedwick discuss how pornography is a hidden pandemic, focusing on what parents, pastors and the Church can do to turn the tide.

A Biblical View of Sex, Love, and Marriage
In this episode, Mikel Del Rosario and Dr. Sean McDowell discuss a biblical perspective of sex, love, and marriage.

Sexuality and Singleness
In this episode, Drs. Darrell Bock, Gary Barnes, and Doug Rosenau discuss sexuality and singleness, focusing on how single people can develop a more biblical perspective on sexuality.

Navigating Transgender Issues
In this episode Drs. Darrell Bock, Gary Barnes and Tim Yoder continue thier discussion on gender dysphoria, specifically focusing on how to understand and minister to people who are of mixed gender background.

Understanding Gender Dysphoria
In this episode, Drs. Darrell L. Bock, Timothy Yoder, and Gary Barnes discuss understanding gender dysphoria.

Coming Out, Sexual Identity, and the Gospel
In this episode, Drs. Darrell L. Bock and Christopher Yuan discuss how Christians can effectively and lovingly engage issues of sexuality in the culture.