Public Square
Video (1)

Podcasts (127)

Cultural Engagement and Apologetics – Classic
In this classic episode, Mikel Del Rosario and Drs. Darrell Bock and Josh Chatraw discuss cultural engagement, focusing on how to strategically interact with a variety of cultures while defending the faith.

The Christmas Story and History — Classic
In this episode, Mikel Del Rosario and Drs. Darrell Bock and Joe Fantin discuss the historical background of the Christmas story, answering common questions that are asked about the Christmas story in light of historical concerns.

Mental Health and Generation Z – Classic
In this classic episode, Mikel Del Rosario, Jonathan Morrow, Jenny Wang, and Erin Waller Roy discuss how the mental health of Generation Z has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and how the church can better minister in light of their experiences.

A Christian Perspective on Transhumanism – Classic
In this classic episode, Drs. Darrell Bock and Fazale “Fuz” Rana discuss artificial intelligence, focusing on transhumanism and how science is a bridge to the gospel.

Preparing Christian Students for College -Classic
In this classic episode, Mikel Del Rosario and Jonathan Morrow discuss preparing Christian students for college, focusing on Generation Z.

The Evangelical Church and LGBTQ Issues – Classic
In this classic episode, Dr. Darrell L. Bock and Sam Allberry discuss evangelical engagement of LGBTQ issues.

Approaching Spiritual Conversations – Classic
In this classic episode, Mikel Del Rosario, Greg Koukl, and Amy Hall discuss helping Christians have meaningful spiritual conversations with people who see Christianity differently.

Urban Apologetics
In this episode, Dr. Mikel Del Rosario and Chris Brooks discuss Urban Apologetics, focusing on answering challenges to faith and how the gospel is good for the inner city.

Global Perspectives: The Church in Haiti
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Christian Jackson and Duckens St. Phart discuss ministry in Haiti focusing on the global church.

Religions: Engaging with Black Hebrew Israelites
In this episode, Dr. Del Rosario and Vocab Malone discuss the Black Hebrew Israelite religion, focusing on understanding them while engaging them with the truth of the gospel.

Blended Families that Work
In this episode, Darrell Bock and Ron Deal discuss blended families, focusing on how pastors can better counsel couples preparing to parent in a blended family.

Lessons from Good and Evil in Church History
In this episode, Mikel Del Rosario and Dr. John Dickson talk about the good and evil in church history, focusing on how the bullies and saints of yesteryear still have valuable lessons for us today.