Reviving Historic Preaching

In this episode, Kymberli Cook talks with Troy and Elise Frasier about church history, focusing on Troy and Elise’s efforts to bring historic Christian sermons to life for today’s audiences through podcasting.

About The Table Podcast

The Table is a weekly podcast on topics related to God, Christianity, and cultural engagement brought to you by The Hendricks Center at Dallas Theological Seminary. The show features a variety of expert guests and is hosted by Dr. Darrell Bock, Bill Hendricks, Kymberli Cook, Kasey Olander, and Milyce Pipkin. 

How did you begin Revived Studios?
Why should we care about church history?
What have you found most helpful about studying church history?
Why have evangelicals often ignored church history?
Highlights of sermons from the past
How do you choose content for your podcast?
Sermon recommendations
Elise Frasier
Elise Frasier, along with her husband, Troy, created Revived Thoughts, a weekly podcast dedicated to reviving classic Christian sermons for modern audiences
Kymberli Cook
Kymberli Cook is the Assistant Director of the Hendricks Center, overseeing the workflow of the department, online content creation, Center events, and serving as Giftedness Coach and Table Podcast Host. She is also a doctoral student in Theological Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, pursuing research connected to unique individuality, the image of God, and providence. When she is not reading for work or school, she enjoys coffee, cooking, and spending time outdoors with her husband and daughters.
Troy Fraiser
Troy Fraiser is currently a student at Midwestern Baptist Theological seminary, and also serves as the children’s pastor at Northside Community Church in Kansas City, MO. Troy and his wife, Elise, created Revived Thoughts, a weekly podcast dedicated to reviving classic Christian sermons for modern audiences.
Elise Frasier
Kymberli Cook
Troy Fraiser
March 16, 2021
church history, preaching