Trauma, Social Media, and Mental Health
The Three Phases of Trauma Healing | Clients raised in abusive and/or neglectful environments have psychological wounds that are deep and pervasive. Healing that is evidence based and faith-centered will take the client through three phases: establishing safety and stability; renegotiating traumas; and integrating healing into a new way of living. Healing of developmental wounds occurs best in the context of a corrective attachment relationship, with the counselor, and with the Holy One. Holistic healing involves cognitive, behavioral, somatic (bottom-up work with the nervous system), and faith-based interventions. A measure of safety, stability, and coping skill efficacy must be established in the client before trauma renegotiation can proceed. At the heart of effective interventions, titrated work with renegotiating trauma, unmet attachment needs, and work on repairing boundaries with self and others is key. Intensive work on forgiveness is also key, from both a faith-based and evidenced-based point of view. Moreover, once traumatic memories are renegotiated, clients are taught to think and act differently, based upon spiritual and evidence-based practices. This session provides viewers with a detailed overview of the three phases of healing within a comprehensive developmental/complex trauma healing program, as well as identifies several key intervention tools that can be used within each phase of treatment.
Social Media and Mental Health | To say that social media has become prevalent is an understatement. Dr. John Dyer discusses the impact of such a significant reality as social media on mental health.